Adult Leaders
The adult leaders of the troop perform a supervisory role in the troop. The adult leaders in troop 272 functions as a patrol just as the boys do. The name of the adult patrol is ICE AGE which stands for In Case of Emergency Adult Guidance and Education. Any adult with a boy in the troop is welcome to camp with the ICE AGE patrol.
Boy Leaders
Troop 272 employs the Scout Method. This means we are a Boy lead Troop and every 6 months we have an election for all the leadership positions. The boy scout in charge is called the Senior Patrol Leader (SPL). He has two to four Assistant Senior Patrol Leaders (ASPL). Every month the Patrol Leaders Council (PLC) meets to plan meetings and the direction of the Troop. The leaders that attend this meeting are; the SPL and ASPL's, the Patrol Leaders and their Assistant Patrol Leader's, the Scribe, the Webmaster, Troop Guide, and all other positions. Any scout with a question or idea regarding the troop go to their Patrol Leader then the Patrol Leader takes it to the PLC.
Junior Leader Position Descriptions - all of the positions can be found here
Committee Members
All of our Scoutmasters and Assistant Scoutmasters are trained for their positions. Our troop encourages all parents to become registered adult scouters whether they choose to participate in committee meetings or not. Committee meetings are held once a month during a regularly scheduled troop meeting.
Leader Training
At a minimum all adults that have contact with our youth must have completed Youth Protection Training. The links below will take you directly to Training resources:
BSA On-line Training Site
Great Lakes Field Service Council Training Calendar
The adult leaders of the troop perform a supervisory role in the troop. The adult leaders in troop 272 functions as a patrol just as the boys do. The name of the adult patrol is ICE AGE which stands for In Case of Emergency Adult Guidance and Education. Any adult with a boy in the troop is welcome to camp with the ICE AGE patrol.
Boy Leaders
Troop 272 employs the Scout Method. This means we are a Boy lead Troop and every 6 months we have an election for all the leadership positions. The boy scout in charge is called the Senior Patrol Leader (SPL). He has two to four Assistant Senior Patrol Leaders (ASPL). Every month the Patrol Leaders Council (PLC) meets to plan meetings and the direction of the Troop. The leaders that attend this meeting are; the SPL and ASPL's, the Patrol Leaders and their Assistant Patrol Leader's, the Scribe, the Webmaster, Troop Guide, and all other positions. Any scout with a question or idea regarding the troop go to their Patrol Leader then the Patrol Leader takes it to the PLC.
Junior Leader Position Descriptions - all of the positions can be found here
- Senior Patrol Leader
- Assistant Senior Patrol Leader
- Quartermaster
- Troop Scribe
- Chaplain Aide
- Webmaster
- Historian
- Patrol Leader
- Assistant Patrol Leader
- Cheermaster
- Troop Guide
- Troop Instructor
- Bugler
- Librarian
- Order of the Arrow Rep.
- Den Chief
- Junior Assistant Scoutmaster (JASM)
- Leave No Trace Trainer
- Patrol Chief Cook
- Patrol Grubmaster
Committee Members
All of our Scoutmasters and Assistant Scoutmasters are trained for their positions. Our troop encourages all parents to become registered adult scouters whether they choose to participate in committee meetings or not. Committee meetings are held once a month during a regularly scheduled troop meeting.
Leader Training
At a minimum all adults that have contact with our youth must have completed Youth Protection Training. The links below will take you directly to Training resources:
BSA On-line Training Site
Great Lakes Field Service Council Training Calendar